Townsville Grammar School
Townsville, Queensland

城市/省份 City/State: |
Townsville Queensland |
創校年份 Year established: |
1888 |
學校類別 Coeducational/Boys/Girls: |
男女校 Coeducational |
寄宿學校/家庭寄宿/兩者均有 Boarding/Homestay/Both: |
寄宿學校 Boarding |
英語強化課程 ELICOS Program: |
沒有 No |
其他英語課程 Other English Language Programs: |
有 Yes |
學校課程 Certificate of Education / IB: |
學生人數(7年級至12年級) Total enrolment numbers (Years 7-12): |
750 |
海外學生人數 (500類簽證) Number of current international students: |
32 |
澳洲教育評審測驗(AEAS) AEAS testing required: |
需要 Yes |
學費(每年澳幣) Annual Tuition Fees: |
7-12年级: $32,740澳幣/每年 Yr7-12: AUD$32,740p.a. |
寄宿費 (每年澳幣) Accommodation Fees: |
校內住宿費: $22,848澳幣/每年 Boarding: AUD$22,848p.a. |
CRICOS 號碼 CRICOS Number: |
00564G |
Townsville Grammar School 作為北昆士蘭領先的學術學校享有悠久的聲譽。 學校已成為國際學生理想的目的地,皆因學校可提供讓學生投入專注的學習環境。
11 年級和 12 年級的學生可以任意選擇升學路徑(二選一)—昆士蘭教育證書和國際文憑課程。 Townsville Grammar School 於 2011 年獲得 IB 世界學校的認證,從那時起,學生成績超過了全球平均水平,所有 IB 學生成功入讀首選的大學課程。
Townsville Grammar School has a long-standing reputation as the leading academic school in Northern Queensland. The School has become a destination for international students who are seeking the focused and dedicated learning environment that the School has to offer.
Students in Years 11 and 12 have the option of two academic pathways – the Queensland Certificate of Education and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. Townsville Grammar School gained accreditation as an IB World School in 2011, and, since this time, student outcomes have exceeded the global average, with all IB students gaining entry into their first preference course at University.
Townsville Grammar School graduates from Hong Kong seek and earn pathways into the Health Sciences (Medicine, Dentistry, Physiotherapy) as well as Engineering, and many gain successful careers in Business. The Townsville Grammar School network in Hong Kong is extensive and enduring. This truly is a school that can change the lives of its students.