Launceston Grammar
Launceston, Tasmania

城市/省份 City/State: |
Launceston Tasmania |
創校年份 Year established: |
1846 |
學校類別 Coeducational/Boys/Girls: |
男女校 Coeducational |
寄宿學校/家庭寄宿/兩者均有 Boarding/Homestay/Both: |
寄宿學校 Boarding |
英語強化課程 ELICOS Program: |
沒有 No |
其他英語課程 Other English Language Programs: |
有 Yes |
學校課程 Certificate of Education / IB: |
學生人數(7年級至12年級) Total enrolment numbers (Years 7-12): |
600 |
海外學生人數 (500類簽證) Number of current international students: |
10 |
澳洲教育評審測驗(AEAS) AEAS testing required: |
需要 Yes |
學費(每年澳幣) Annual Tuition Fees: |
7-12年级: $27,000-$29,000澳幣/ 每年 Yr7-12: AUD$27,000-$29,000p.a. |
寄宿費 (每年澳幣) Accommodation Fees: |
校內住宿費: $24,250澳幣/每年 Boarding: AUD$24,250p.a. |
CRICOS 號碼 CRICOS Number: |
00650K |
朗塞斯頓文法學校 (Launceston Grammar) 成立於 1846 年,是澳洲歷史最悠久的日校和寄宿學校。朗塞斯頓文法學校(Launceston Grammar) 是一所英國聖公會的男女校,提供學前教育至12年級的課程,我們培養、挑戰和啟發我們的學生成為學者及領導者,從而去服務及塑造世界。
Launceston Grammar位於美麗的塔斯馬尼亞州,距離墨爾本僅 45 分鐘航程。
學校成績出眾,大多數的畢業生成功獲多間名牌大學錄取; 包括﹕ 墨爾本大學、莫納什大學、雪梨大學、新南威爾斯大學、塔斯馬尼亞大學和其他世界知名大學。
學校為第 7 至 12 年級的同學提供宿舍,宿舍位於高中校園的中心,分為男生及女生宿舍,為同學提供全方位的支援及「第二個家」的溫暖。
Established in 1846, Launceston Grammar is the oldest continuous day and boarding School in Australia. Launceston Grammar is an Anglican, co-educational school for Early Learning to Grade 12, where global learners and leaders are nurtured, challenged and inspired to serve and shape our world.
Launceston Grammar is located in the beautiful state of Tasmania – a short 45 min flight from Melbourne.
With outstanding Grade 12 results each year, the majority of our students enrol at universities such as Melbourne University, Monash University, University of Sydney, UNSW, UTAS and other leading universities around the world.
Our alumni include 17 Rhodes Scholars and a Nobel Laureate, as well as leaders in all areas of industry and world class sports men and women.
Separate boarding houses for boys and for girls in Grades 7–12 are located at the centre of the Senior Campus – providing students with a supportive ‘home-away-from-home’ in a pristine natural environment.