Prince Alfred College
Adelaide, South Australia

城市/省份 City/State: |
Adelaide South Australia |
創校年份 Year established: |
1869 |
學校類別 Coeducational/Boys/Girls: |
男校 Boys’ School |
寄宿學校/家庭寄宿/兩者均有 Boarding/Homestay/Both: |
學校住宿和寄宿家庭 Boarding & Homestay |
英語強化課程 ELICOS Program: |
沒有 No |
其他英語課程 Other English Language Programs: |
有 Yes |
學校課程 Certificate of Education / IB: |
學生人數(7年級至12年級) Total enrolment numbers (Years 7-12): |
850 |
海外學生人數 (500類簽證) Number of current international students: |
50 |
澳洲教育評審測驗(AEAS) AEAS testing required: |
需要 Yes |
學費(每年澳幣) Annual Tuition Fees: |
7-12年级: $43,170-$47,520澳幣/ 每年 Yr7-12: AUD$43,170-$47,520 p.a. |
寄宿費 (每年澳幣) Accommodation Fees: |
校內住宿費: $31,800 澳幣/每年 Boarding: AUD$31,800p.a. |
CRICOS 號碼 CRICOS Number: |
00368A |
阿爾弗雷德王子學校(Prince Alfred College, PAC)是一所享譽盛名的獨立走讀兼寄宿制男子學校,招收從幼兒早教(ELC)到12年級的學生,位於南澳大利亞州首府阿德萊德。
PAC 擁有150多年的悠久歷史,始終致力於提供高質量、全方位發展的教育,激勵並賦能學生充分挖掘自身潛力。我們關注學生的身心健康,重視並發掘他們獨特的個性與優勢;同時,我們致力於培養男孩成長為品格高尚的青年,胸懷社會責任,為社會作出積極貢獻。
PAC 是一個充滿溫暖與包容的教育社區,每位學生都在這裡受到珍視、尊重,並獲得全面的支持。我們的使命是幫助每個學生實現個人的最佳潛能。
Prince Alfred College (PAC) is a prestigious independent day and boarding school for boys from Early Childhood Learning (ELC) to Year 12, located in Adelaide, the capital of South Australia.
With a long history of more than 150 years, PAC has always been committed to providing high-quality, all-round education, inspiring and enabling students to fully tap their potential. We care about the physical and mental health of students, and value and explore their unique personalities and strengths. At the same time, we are committed to cultivating boys to grow into young people with noble character, with social responsibility in mind, and make positive contributions to society.
Teaching excellence and academic achievement are at the core of our educational philosophy. We are fully aware of boys’ unique advantages in learning through practice, so we advocate a learning method that is led by exploration and research. At high school level, students can choose from a variety of academic pathways, including the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) and the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE), laying a solid foundation for higher education.
PAC is a warm and inclusive educational community where every student is valued, respected, and fully supported. Our mission is to help each student achieve his or her best individual potential.