Elite College of English
Sydney, New South Wales

城市/省份 City/State: |
Sydney New South Wales |
創校年份 Year established: |
2022 |
學校類別 Coeducational/Boys/Girls: |
男女校 Coeducational |
寄宿學校/家庭寄宿/兩者均有 Boarding/Homestay/Both: |
家庭寄宿 Homestay |
英語強化課程 ELICOS Program: |
有 Yes |
其他英語課程 Other English Language Programs: |
沒有 No |
學校課程 Certificate of Education / IB: |
PSP | HSP (English language) |
學生人數(7年級至12年級) Total enrolment numbers (Years 7-12): |
73 |
海外學生人數 (500類簽證) Number of current international students: |
52 |
澳洲教育評審測驗(AEAS) AEAS testing required: |
需要 Yes |
學費(每年澳幣) Annual Tuition Fees: |
$40,000澳幣/每年 $40,000 p.a. |
寄宿費 (每年澳幣) Accommodation Fees: |
家庭寄宿: $420澳幣/每週 Homestay: $420 per week (approx) |
CRICOS 號碼 CRICOS Number: |
04087M |

卓越英語學院是一所獲得 CRICOS 和 ASQA 認證的語言學校,致力協助剛抵埗的國際學生消除於融入澳洲社會與教育體系時所面臨的知識與技能差異。
卓越英語學院專為志在申請悉尼私立中學的學生提供高品質教育方案。 我們採用小班教學,每班約 6 至 8 人,以確保每位學生都能夠獲得高度關注的個別化教學。
ECE is a CRICOS- and ASQA-accredited institution that specialises in bridging the knowledge and skills gap faced by recently arrived students.
We understand that changing schools presents a range of challenges for a student, particularly when they are new to the country. From the language barrier to cultural differences, there are many hurdles they need to overcome to succeed academically and socially.
ECE offers premium education to children seeking a place in Sydney’s top-tier private high schools. We pride ourselves on our small classes of 6-8 students, ensuring each individual receives a personalised education.
Learning takes place in a genuinely caring environment that is warm and friendly, with strong support systems and a solid focus on high academic attainment.